Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wedding Update

I have been so terrible at keeping updated with the wedding plans. I went from the last post being 121 days until the wedding, to 35 days until the wedding! Yep 35 days! So crazy how time flies when you're having fun. Well if fun is the way you want to describe it. I would use other words like; stressful, chaotic, tiring, and emotional. But all in the most positive way, if that is even possible. But really wedding planning is a lot of work! But in the end it is so worth it. Well since my last post a lot has changed! We are now getting married on September 7th, 2013 in the Mount Timpanogas temple. We switched temples because we began doing baptisms at the Timpanogas temple and it really stood out to us. We both thought to ourselves that we could totally see ourselves getting married there before we even mentioned it to each other. So the sealing will be at 1:00 pm that day and the reception will be 7-9 pm. I think doing it in one day will be much better! We decided to spend our honeymoon weekend in Park City, and then in October when we can save a little more we are going to go to Disneyland. I am super excited! I found my dress the first day that we went shopping! yeah crazy I know. I love it! It's a total princess dress and very "blinged" out! We have the wedding cake picked, floral, decor. Now we just have to figure out catering which will be Kneaders bakery. I am so happy that everything's working out great. I cannot believe that I marry the man of my dreams in 5 weeks! It's so crazy! I couldn't be any happier than I am right now. Okay I lied... I will be happier the day we get married, but still am super happy! I am very grateful for my amazing parents for helping SO much with the wedding. I don't think I can even thank them enough. I am so lucky to have such supportive parents who help me out all the time and give so much. I also am thankful for my sweet in-laws for all the support they have given us. I am just blessed in every way possible and I couldn't ask for more. I will be sure to keep better updated with the details and all the exciting things coming up in the next month! 

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